Chile / Center / The wine valleys

There are five regions dedicated to this cultivation: Atacama, Columbus, Aconcagua, Central Valley and the south. Atacama and Columbus produce almost exclusively wine for Pisco, distillate liquor. The regions with greater productions are Aconcagua and the Central Valley, which stretches from San Felipe (100 km north from Santiago), to Cauquenes (350 km south from the capital). Other wine producing regions farther to the south, Itata Valley and Bío-Bío Valley, are employed for regular varieties but several important vineyards are now investing in these regions.
Chile and its neighbors offer much to discover with a Camper, pleasantly surprising you from end to end. So that you can plan your trip as well as possible, making the most of your trip to meet natural places that will captivate you, we have prepared information and suggestions that will help you organize your expedition.
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